Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Out / In

January, February, and March.

[ The Picture ]

April, May, June, and the other 3/4 of 2010.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Some Cones I Have Enjoyed

The Morning March

The Cheese Stands Alone

Orange Green Lupey Dupey's Line Up

The Friends.

Friday, March 12, 2010


Can't Be Shy Here is located in the Drive By Gallery at Cambridge Community Television.
(675 Mass. Ave)(

Pictured below are the portraits in the show.

Thanks to all the portrait-sitters featured (and not featured) for your time and company.
Stay tuned for plans of a reception!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

On My Way to School ...

As I was crossing an intersection between Mass Ave and Putnam on Pearl, this camouflaged leaf registered in my mind a footstep later. When I returned, I discovered this thinner-than-tissue remainder of the previous fall's shedding. This leaf presumably made it
through the winter, under snow and plow, on the gravelly road.

Monday, March 8, 2010


The Other: square side table (2005)

This elegant cube, a mirrored square side table designed by Ilse Crawford, caught my eye at the Independent Curators International. It was Moss Gallery's contribution to an exhibit on March 5th of design pieces paired with art objects. The other half of this pairing, a series of 12 prints by Sol Lewitt, was contributed by the independent art curators Thea Westreich and Ethan Wagner. The only downside I see to this piece is that it appeared to be surfaced in small squares; however, the smaller facets are actually an illusion created by brownish china-crayon looking lines applied to the mirrored surface. A little dissapointing - though probably more practical. The presence of this shiner take on a character common to Lewitt and Bochner still commands my attention. I am left wondering what Crawford's inspirations were.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

No Parking: Tryptych II

These three photos are an addition to the August 9, 2009 trio of
dock-sign related no parking images.


First set of five pictures from this weekend's trip to NYC.
Captions below each photo.

Of note: this street seller was not only offering books and furniture for sale, he was also singing bits of musicals and operas at interested customers.
(7th & 28th)

Another twin set in NYC; this surprised me for some yet un-clear reason.

Two guys utilizing teamwork and doing a great job of holding up the truck's cab.

Ironically, I saw a rat dart out from under the door this sign appeared on, and then right back a moment later. Clearly no one had informed HIM. Nor was the rodenticide effective. Perhaps plugging the rat-sized hole in the door have have helped isolate the situation ...
(West 4 Station)

Hey there Mista' Buildin', what's cookin'?
A reference to the Bobby Valentino R&B group?